
BIOWARE 推出<質量效應 3> 最新的多人遊戲內容: REBELLION PAC


《質量效應 3 》多人遊戲模式全新下載內容包足以加強部隊於爭奪領土的戰鬥上的優勢!內容包可供下載,並不收取額外費用*,《質量效應 3 :Rebellion Pack》於廣受好評的合作模式中增加了兩個全新的地圖,一個新的團隊目標和一個新的裝備槽。《質量效應 3 :Rebellion Pack》也將推出新解開的人物,包括 Vorcha,ex-Cerberus 操作工和男性 Quarians。通過在遊戲中多人商店的加固包也都可以獲得新的武器和物品。

Strengthen your forces and battle for new territories with the next downloadable content pack for Mass Effect™ 3 multiplayer! Available to download at no additional charge*, the Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack adds two brand-new maps, a new team objective and a new equipment slot to the game’s critically-acclaimed cooperative experience. The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack will also introduce new unlockable characters, including the Vorcha, ex-Cerberus operatives and Male Quarians. Also available are all new weapons and items that can be obtained through reinforcement packs in the game’s multiplayer store.


《質量效應 3 :Rebellion Pack》於5月29日開始在 XboxLIVE® 及 Origin™ 客戶端軟件可供下載,並於5月30日在北美及5月29日在歐洲的 PlayStation®Network 提供下載。


The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack will be available starting May 29 on XboxLIVE® and the Origin™ client software and on PlayStation® Network in North America on May 29 and in Europe on May 30.

《質量效應 3 :Rebellion Pack》包括以下內容:

The Mass Effect 3: Rebellion Pack includes the following content:

  • 兩個新的行動地圖包 – 座落於Firebase Jade,位處  Sur’Kesh 上的 Salarian STG,用以抗衡 Thessia 在 Asari 家園的Firebase Goddess


  • Two New Action-Packed Maps – Land on Firebase Jade, located in a Salarian STG base on Sur’Kesh and fight to control Firebase Goddess on the Asari homeworld of Thessia.


  • 六個功能強大的新解開人物 – 級數提昇的六個新解開人物,包括 ex-Cerberus Adept VanguardVorcha Soldier(士兵)Sentinel(哨兵)或男性 Quarian Sentinel(工程師)Infiltrator(間諜)


  • Six Powerful New Unlockable Characters – Level and promote six new unlockable characters, including the ex-Cerberus Adept and Vanguard, the Vorcha Soldier and Sentinel or the Male Quarian Engineer and Infiltrator.  


  • 新的團隊目標 - 隨機發生在Waves 3、6和10,這個新的目標將要求隊伍找回一個高度重要的包裹並需安全護送它到每個地圖上的指定Extraction Zone(提取區)。


  • New In-Mission Objective – Randomly occurring during waves 3, 6 and 10, this new objective will demand that teams retrieve a high priority package and securely escort it to a designated extraction zone on each map.


  • 新裝備槽 - 一個新的裝備槽將適用於設備屏幕上,給予各玩家持久的遊戲獎金,比賽結束後亦不會過期。通過加固包也都可以獲得這些不同以往的新項目,它可由武器升級至角色特性增強。


  • New Gear Slot – A new slot will be available on the equipment screen, offering players a persistent gameplay bonus that will not expire after the end of a match. These new items will vary from weapon upgrades to character enhancements and will be available through reinforcement packs. 


  • 致命的新武器 - 消除敵人的致命新武器,包括 Cerberus Harrier 、 Krysae Sniper Rifle (Krysae 狙擊步槍) Reegar Carbine (Reegar 卡賓槍)。


  • Lethal New Weapons – Eliminate the enemy with deadly new weapons, including the Cerberus Harrier, Krysae Sniper Rifle, and Reegar Carbine.


於《質量效應 3:Galaxy at War》**系統,可將《質量效應 3》的多人戰役經驗值連接到玩家的單人戰役。一旦成功,可助指揮官 Shepard 團結星系力量,以消除 Reaper 及所有的威脅。多人遊戲將玩家成為精英 Special Forces(特別部隊)士兵之一,派往保護資源及資產,以加強戰力。

As part of the Mass Effect 3 Galaxy at War** system, success in the cooperative  multiplayer experience in Mass Effect 3 links back to the player’s single-player campaign, helping Commander Shepard rally the forces of the galaxy to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. Multiplayer puts players in the role of a team of elite Special Forces soldiers sent to protect resources and assets that can help the greater war effort.


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